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Call of Flame
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Call of Flame ( Lily Ashwood ~ Ganelorn Oast )

遠距離恋愛する2人のためにラブレターやプレゼントを届けてあげようと言う心温まるお話。しかし、 LilyGanelorn もそれぞれイイ女&イイ男!!決して途中で方向を間違ってはいけません……。私は Ganelorn の会ったとき


と電流が体中を駆けめぐるのを覚えました。ラブレターの名前を Lily → Milky に書き換えそうになったのは言うまでもありません。

You say, 'hail Lily Ashwood'
Lily Ashwood smiles. 'Hello there _____. You wouldnt by chance happen to be a ranger would you?
You say, 'I am a ranger'
Lily Ashwood says 'I sure love a strong ranger・especially Ganelorn Oast he's so dreamy and handsome. I think one day he's going to ask me to marry him.
Devin Ashwood says 'Bah! Why would the greatest forester in all of Norrath ask you to marry him? Between his time protecting the wildlife, hunting poachers and training me・I doubt he has any spare time for a foolish girl like you, sister.
Lily Ashwood sulks.

ここが目的を忘れそうになる第二ポイント!男性キャラクターは注意が必要です。いつか Ganelorn と結婚できると夢見る Lily に兄の Devin が「おまえのような妹にあの偉大な Ganelorn が結婚するというわけないじゃないか。」と厳しい一言。それを聞いた Lily、口をとがらせてすねちゃいました。



You say, 'hail Devin Ashwood'
Devin Ashwood says 'Good day to you Milky. I am Devin Ashwood, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
You say, 'Who is greatest forester?'
Devin Ashwood says 'Ganelorn Oast! For he has single handedly caught more poachers than any other ranger. He is credited for helping numerous endangered species recover from certain extinction. I suppose that I am lucky that he is fond of my sister, I am soon to train under him as an apprentice. Perhaps even one day I will call upon the flames in the way that he does.
You say, 'What is call upon the flame?'
Devin Ashwood says 'Aye, Ganelorn is not renowned for only his abilities as an archer and a master of melee combat, but also for his use or powerful magics. Never before have I seen a forester evoke a fireball of such great force. It would be any ranger's dream to become his pupil just to study this one spell. Ganelorn doesn't just train anyone though・if you wanted to learn from him, I'm certain that you would have to prove yourself as a forester.
You say, 'I want to learn from him. How do I prove myself as a forester?'
Devin Ashwood says 'He is a very busy individual, currently I believe that he is in the Eastern part of Karana trying to track down a poacher. Even if you can track him down, don't get your hopes up.
Lily Ashwood says 'Oh! If you're going to see him, would you please take this letter to him? I trust you, since you're a ranger and all.
You say, 'I will take the letter'
Lily Ashwood smiles sweetly. 'Thank you sooo much.

Milky が Ganelorn に会いに行くと聞いてもう我慢できない Lily。love letter 届けて欲しいと。あなたがそこまで惚れた男、


勢い勇んで East Karana に出陣です。

You say, 'hail Ganelorn Oast'
Ganelorn Oast says 'Please be very quiet, I am tracking a notorious poacher.
You say, 'Will you teach me the call of flame?'
Ganelorn Oast says 'I suppose you would like to call the flame? I must know you are a dedicated forester before I would even consider doing such.

なぬっ!教えれない?このキュートでプリティーな Milky を目の前にして……。仕方ないわっ、ひとまず Lily の手紙を渡して場をつなぐのよっ!

Ganelorn Oast says 'Ah, what do we have here? A letter? Hmm cented with a familiar fragrance too. You must have gotten this from Lily. I do wish I had more time to spend with her, for she is a very sweet girl. If she trusts you to deliver such a letter, I must ask you to do me a favor for me. Please take these eggs. They are a very rare species of albino rattle snakes which were thought to have been extinct due to poachers who eat them as a delicacy and griffins which prey on them. If these eggs hatch there is hope for the species. I need you to deliver them to my master, Kithicor.

フフッ、少しは信頼したらしいわね。まずは知り合いを利用して近づいていかないとね。そう、焦っちゃダメなの。そしたら早速配達を頼まれたわっ。Kithicor にいるマスターの Kithicor (なんだかややこしいわね…)に絶滅したと思われていたアルビノ=ガラガラヘビの卵を届けて欲しいと言われ、Albino Rattlesanke Eggs を受け取ったわ。じゃ早速届けに行きましょうか。

Kithicor says 'Wow, this is certainly something I have not seen in a long time. It was said that this species of snake had been wiped out due to the poachers and griffins. It was very noble of you to help in saving this species as I will see that these are raised properly. Please wear this Icon with pride, other rangers will know of the good deed that you have done.

早速卵を渡すと、善行を行ったレンジャーの証である Symbol of Achievement というペンダントを授かりました。というわけで愛する Ganelorn に見せびらかしに行きましょう。

Ganelorn Oast says 'This does say good things about you my friend, an award given from Kithicor does not come easy. But I must see more of your skills before I would consider teaching you. Lily's brother Devin is my current pupil, I need for you to gather some equipment for me so that I can properly train him. I require the following items of you, a smoldering sash, a ring made of adamantine and a blade forged of electrum. I also need a favor, take this credit slip to Aanina Rockfinder. She is a merchant from whom I have purchased a gift for Lily, it should be ready.

すると、今度は弟子の Devin を鍛えるためにいくつかの材料を持って来いというのです。一筋縄では落ちないようですね。そして更に Lily のために用意したプレゼントを Aanina Rockfinder の所まで取りに行って欲しいと……。この時 Milky が殺意を覚えたのは言うまでもありません。

Zone NPC Item
Nagafen's Lair (Sol B) imp protector A Burnt Sash
(a smoldering sash)
Lower Guk (Dead Side) reanimated hand Adamantite Band
(a ring made of adamantine)
Castle Mistmoore avenging caitiff Electrum Bladed Wakizashi
(a blade forged of electrum)

Burnt Sash は imp protector から簡単に入手できます。Adamantine Band は rare drop (tradable) ですが hand を camp していればすぐに入手できるでしょう。Electrum Bladed Wakizashi はご存じのとおり Quest によって入手します。Quest は EQ Atlas の No.17、18 で Maid Issis と Butler Syncall から Fang を2種類入手し (rare drop、tradable) を入手しそれを No.5 から 14 への階段の途中に rare spawn する avenging caitiff に渡せばもらえます。

Aanina Rockfinder says 'Ah, nice of you to come and pick this up for Ganelorn, I know he is a busy fellow. I certainly hope that his girl friend will like this gift.

Aanina Rockfinder に Genelorn から預かった A note of credit を渡してみます。するとなぜかわら人形gift を渡されました。「そ、そうか!そういうことだったのねっ!!」何かに納得する Milky でした。

Genelorn の元へ戻り、集めた3つの材料 (Burnt Sash、Adamantine Band、Electrum Bladed Wakizashi) と gift の4つを Ganelorn に渡します。

You have done well. I sense the one whom I have been hunting in the distance. As your final test you must track him down and destroy him.

さぁ、最後の試練です。 Ganelorn に代わって密猟者 Vance Bearstalker をやっつけてしまいましょう。彼を倒したなら証に首を取り、Ganelorn に自慢しに行きましょう。

Ganelorn Oast says 'You, Milky, are a worthy forester. It brings me great pride to present you with this scroll that I have only passed to the finest in all of Norrath. Now you may Call the Flames.

これで Ganelorn のハートはあなたのものっ!!Lily に恋をした場合には、Ganelorn を倒して Call of Flame をゲットしましょう!(嘘です、取れません(泣))


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