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Pine Scout
Thorn Mail
Trueshot Chainmail
Rain Caller
Ivy Armor
Morin's Sword
Orc Impaler
Call of Flame
Plane of Sky
Epic Quest
Tracker's Helm
SoV Armors
Woodman's Armor
PoP Armors
LoY Spells

Plane of Sky

Island   Sub Island
1st Island (Faerie)
BOSS: a thunder spirit princess
Veeshan's Key → Quest Room
Key of Swords → Dojorn Isle
BOSS: Noble Dojorn
Key of the Misplaced
Common Drop Rare Drop Ultra Rare Drop (ND)
2nd Island (Imp)
BOSS: Protector of Sky
Key of Misfortune
3rd Island (Gorgon)
BOSS: Gorgalosk
Key of Beasts
4th Island (Pegasus)
BOSS: Keeper of Souls
BOSS: (Overseer of Air)
Avian Key
5th Island  (Aviak)
BOSS: The Spirok Lord
Key of the Swarm
6th Island (Bee)
BOSS: Bazzt Zzzt
Key of Scale
7th Island (Drake)
BOSS: Sister of the Spire
Veeshan's Key
8th Island (Veeshan)
BOSS: Eye of Veeshan
BOSS: The Hand of Veeshan
Test of Body / Test of Defense / Test of Element of Earth
Test of Element of Thunder / Test of Blade / Test of Art of Ranged Attack

Key Master より Veeshan's Key を購入して North 側の Portal を使用すると 1st Island 内部の quest room に warp します。

You say, 'hail Ranger Spirit.
Ranger Spirit says 'Greetings Milky. Are you a true servant of the pine?
You say, 'I am servant of the pine.
Ranger Spirit says 'Very well my friend. In order to reach your true potential you must pass many tests. Relinin Skyrunner and Gordon Treecaller are here to perform these tests. Please choose one.

あなたは Pine の従者ざますか?と聞かれるので、「うんぽこ!」と元気よく答えると下界に追放されるので、きちんと答えます。すると Relinin Skyrunner か Gordon Treecaller を選ぶざます!と問われるので好きな方を選びます。

Relinin Skyrunner の方を選んでみる
Gordon Treecaller の方を選んでみる

You say, 'I am choose Relinin Skyrunner.
Ranger Spirit says 'Relinin Skyrunner you say. True to Tunare is she. Take this book and read it, when you feel you know it well return it and Relinin will appear to test you.

book がもらえますので、これを Ranger Spirit に返すと代わりに Relinin Skyrunner が現れます。

You say, 'hail Relinin Skyrunner.
Relinin Skyrunner says 'Greetings Milky. I can only assume my reasons for being summoned is that you wish to take the tests. Would you like to be tested in the body, in defense, or in the element of earth?

「test in the body」、「test in the defense」、「test in the element of earth」の3つの試練から好きなの選ぶざます!と聞かれるので好きなの選びます。

Test of Body
Test of Defense
Test of Element of Earth

You say, 'I wish to test in the body.
Relinin Skyrunner says 'Very well. You must scour this plane and bring back to me these components: an auburn tessera, a ysgaril root, and a griffon talon. Make haste, and good luck.

以下のものを集めて Relinin Skyrunner に渡します。

Test of Body
Item Island NPC
Auburn Tessera 1st Island a thunder spirit
Ysgaril Root 2nd Island Protector of Sky
Griffon Talon (ND) 3rd Island Gorgalosk

Griffon Talon Necklace
Slot:  NECK
AC: 4
STR: +4  STA: +4  WIS: +5  SV FIRE: +5
WT:  0.1  Size: TINY
Class: RNG
Race:  ALL

You say, 'I wish to test in the defense.
Relinin Skyrunner says 'Defense it is. You must prove yourself worthy enough for the Spiroc spirits to guard you. Bring back to me a mithril disc, a harpy tongue, and a fine velvet cloak. Good luck to you Milky.

以下のものを集めて Relinin Skyrunner に渡します。

Test of Defense
Item Island NPC
Mithril Disc 2nd Island an azarack
Harpy Tongue 3rd Island a spirited harpy
Fine Velvet Cloak (ND) 4th Island Keeper of Souls

Dark Cloak of the Sky
Slot:  BACK
AC: 6
STR: +7  DEX: +7  WIS: +7  AGI: +7
HP: +55
Effect: Haste (Casting Time: Instant)
WT:  5.0  Size: MEDIUM
Class: RNG
Race:  ALL

You say, 'I wish to test in the element of earth.
Relinin Skyrunner says 'Elemental earth you say? When honed, the elements can be among our best allies. Retrieve a gridelin globe, a dragon hide mantle, and a spiroc earth totem. Only with these items can you master the element of earth.

以下のものを集めて Relinin Skyrunner に渡します。

Test of the Element of Earth
Item Island NPC
Gridelin Globe 3rd Island a crysalline cloud
Dragon-hide Mantle 4th Island any pegasus/griffon
Spiroc Earth Totem (ND) 5th Island The Spiroc Lord

Earthshaker's Mantle
AC: 9
Charges: 2
STR: +8  DEX: +8  WIS: +8  SV FIRE: +10
Effect: Earthquake (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant)
WT:  2.5  Size: SMALL
Class: RNG
Race:  ALL

You say, 'I am choose Gordon Treecaller.
Gordon Treecaller says 'Ahhh, Gordon Trecaller. Many say he is the finest swordsman to ever live. Read of his tale and return the book when you are finished.

book がもらえますので、これを Ranger Spirit に返すと代わりに Gordon Treecaller が現れます。

You say, 'hail Gordon Treecaller.
Gordon Treecaller says 'Hello Milky, I can only hope that my disturbance was necessary. Ahh, you seem to be decently adept with a blade. Would you like to be tested in the element of thunder, the blade, or the art of ranged attack?

「test in the element of thunder」、「test in the blade」、「test in the art of ranged attack」の3つの試練から好きなの選ぶざます!と聞かれるので好きなの選びます。

Test of Element of Thunder
Test of Blade
Test of Art of Ranged Attack

You say, 'I wish to test in the element of thunder.
Gordon Treecaller says 'One of my greatest allies indeed. Thunder can be very powerful if used properly. Bring me a djinni statuette, a spiroc thunder totem, and a white gold earring. Then you will know the true power of nature.

以下のものを集めて Gordon Treecaller に渡します。

Test of the Element of Thunder
Item Island NPC
Djinni Statuette 4th Island a soul carrier
Spiroc Thunder Totem 5th Island The Spiroc Guardian
White Gold Earring (ND) 6th Island Bazzt Zzzt

Thunderforged Earring
Slot:  EAR
AC: 8
DEX: +8  WIS: +8  AGI: +8  MANA: +25
Effect: Careless Lightning (Must Equip, Casting Time: 12.0)
WT:  0.1  Size: TINY
Class: RNG
Race:  ALL

You say, 'I wish to test in the blade.
Gordon Treecaller says 'Very good choice, my blade is my best friend and yours will be as well if you can complete this task. Retrieve an efreeti long sword, an emerald spiroc feather, some bitter honey, and a circlet of brambles. Be careful with the honey, if it is tainted the blade will not come to life.

以下のものを集めて Gordon Treecaller に渡します。

Test of the Blade
Item Island NPC
Efreeti Long Sword Dojorn Island Noble Dojorn
4th Island Overseer of Air
8th Island The Hand of Veeshan
Emerald Spiroc Feather 5th Island any spiroc
Bitter Honey 6th Island split wasp
Circlet of Brambles (ND) 7th Island Sister of the Spire

Skill: 1H Slashing   Atk Delay: 21
DMG: 12
STR: +8  WIS: +8  HP: +50
Effect: Shield of Brambles
WT:  1.0  Size: MEDIUM
Class: RNG
Race:  ALL

You say, 'I wish to test in the art of ranged attack.
Gordon Treecaller says ' Many of the fools on Norrath don't realize how powerful a good bow can be. Many dread wolves have met their fate from my bow and you can have the same power if you can bring me back these items. Efreeti war bow, thickened nectar, a sphinx tallow, and a shimmering pearl.

以下のものを集めて Gordon Treecaller に渡します。

Test in the Art of Ranged Attack
Item Island NPC
Efreeti War Bow Dojorn Island Noble Dojorn
4th Island Overseer of Air
8th Island The Hand of Veeshan
Thickened Nectar 6th Island first unsplit wasps
Sphinx Tallow 7th Island any drake/sphinx
Shimmering Pearl (ND) 8th Island Eye of Veeshan

Slot:  RANGE
Skill: Archery   Atk Delay: 60
DMG: 45
STR: +5  DEX: +5  AGI: +5  HP: +50
Effect: Whirlwind (Combat)
WT:  4.0  Range: 200  Size: MEDIUM
Class: RNG
Race:  ALL

Ranger Spirit の代わりに pop した Relinin Skyrunner と Gordon Treecaller は一定時間すると、また Ranger Spirit に戻ります。


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