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LoY Spells

Legacy of Ykesha への出発点、Gulf of Gunthak に一人の Ranger、Gaudric Stormwynd がいます。彼に話を聞いてみましょう。

You say, 'Hail, Gaudric Stormwynd'
Gaudric Stormwynd says 'Greetings, _____. What brings you to this forsaken rock? I have been sent here by the council of Surefall Glade to gather information about this Island. This place seethes with anger and hatred, and even the familiar [winds] of Karana blow with a cold bite. So far the creatures have all proved very hostile, even to a follow of Karana. I suspect that the curse of Innoruuk has caused them be very aggressive towards all outsiders. I have been able to gather some information on a new race of [insect] though'

彼は情報収集のため Surefall Glade から、この忘れ去られた岩礁へ派遣されたようです。この土地は怒りと憎しみが渦巻き、Karana の友の「風」さえ身を切るような冷たさ。これまでのところ、ここの生物は Karana の信者でさえ非常に対立的であり、おそらく Innoruuk の呪いが引き起こしたのではないかと推測しています。しかしながら彼は新種の「昆虫」に関する情報をいくつか集めることが出来たようです。

You say, 'What insect?'
Gaudric Stormwynd says 'A strange group of ant like creatures that I've named Nifiliks seems to be native to the island. I've never encountered creatures quite like this. They seem to have a sort of Hive consciousness. They have a vast range in size. The smallest are barely an inch or two across, while the largest can be upwards of four feet tall. The larger ones seem to be able to control the smaller ones by some sort of audible communication. I've heard the strange noises they make, but have yet to [mimic] them.'

この島は Nifilik と呼ばれる蟻のような奇妙な集団がいて、大きさは 1,2 インチのものから 4 フィートに達するものまで様々。大きいものは小さいものをいくつかの発信音のようなものでコントロールようです。彼は Nifilik が発する奇妙な音を聞いたようですが、それを真似するためのものは未だ持っていないようです。

You say, 'Why do you want to mimic them?'
Gaudric Stormwynd says 'The smallest ones do not seem to have as developed of a nervous system as the larger ones. They only act on the instincts and the commands of their masters. If we're able to mimic the sounds that they make, we may be able to control the smaller ones. If you're able to capture one of them alive and allow me to listen to its sounds I may be able to mimic them. You'll also need to bring me one of the smaller ones so I can observe its reactions.'

一番小さいものは大きいものに比べ神経系が未発達なようで、主の命令や本能のみによって行動するため、もしその発信音を真似することが出来れば、小さいものをコントロールする事が出来るかもしれないということです。もし生の音を再現することが可能で、その発信音を彼に聞かせることができれば、おそらく彼はそれらを真似する事が可能で、さらに反応を観察することができるように小さな Nifilik を一匹を持って来て欲しいということです。

海を泳いで渡ると難破船が多数ある浜辺が見えます。その浜辺周辺の難破船の陰や岩場付近で Broken Skull nifilik を見つけることが出来ます。

音を再現するための「A captured Nifilik」と反応を観察するための「A tiny Nifilik」(それぞれ No Drop)を入手します。

(適正レベル以上でやると、POP 促進のため「雑魚皆殺し」状態にもなりますので、適正レベルの camper がいる場合は注意しつつやるのがいいと思います。)

Spell: Swarm of Pain
Zone NPC Item
Gulf of Gunthak a Broken Skull nifilik A captured Nifilik (ND)
Gulf of Gunthak a Broken Skull nifilik A tiny Nifilik (ND)

二つの Item が入手できたら Gaudric Stormwynd のもとへ戻り Item を渡します。

Gaudric Stormwynd takes the small nifilik and places it on the ground at his feet. He then partially unties the larger one causing it to let out some sort of high-pitched wailing. The small niflik on the table immediately begins to run across the ground toward you. You try to jump away but the nifilik still manages to latch onto your boot and crawl up under your armor. You howl in pain as the tiny creature bites repeatedly at your skin. Gaudric rebinds the larger nifilik and it stops wailing. The tiny creature below your armor stops biting at your skin.
Gaudric Stormwynd begins to scrawl several runes on a parchment and then hands it to you. 'I believe I've worked it out now. Unfortunately, our voices won't be able to make the sounds necessary to control these creatures, but with the help of Karana's magic you'll be able to imitate the sounds enough to control the small creatures. Use their power wisely, Milky. As you know their bite is quite painful.

Spell: Swarm of Pain が入手できました。


You say, 'What wind?'
Gaudric Stormwynd says 'The fury of a truly torrential storm is a beautiful thing. Even in their destruction they bring the birth of new life. Such is the cycle of life on Norrath, from the ashes nature always rebuilds. The trolls care nothing for this cycle though, and merely use the power of the storm to fill their treasuries. I hear the tormented cries of tempest [spirits] across the wind.'

真の暴風は美しいものです。たとえすべてを破壊しようとも、新しい生命を生み出します。灰から自然は常に再生する、それが Norrath のライフサイクルです。けれどトロールたちはこのサイクルに無関心で、風の力を己の富を満たすためだけに使っています。彼は苦痛に満ちた「Tempest Spirit」の叫びを聞いたようです。

You say, 'What spirits?'
Gaudric Stormwynd says 'I believe the followers of Nadox have found a way to control the spirits of the tempest by capturing them in amulets made of the black rock from the island. Bring me one of their amulets and I may be able to free the spirit from it.'

Nadox の信者が black rock で作られた amulet の中に「Tempest Spirit」を閉じこめ、コントロールする方法を見つけたのではないかと彼は考えているようです。「Tempest Spirit」を解放するために amulet を持ってきて欲しいということです。

キーワードは「Troll」、「Nadox」です。早速 Nadox へ向かいます。

Nadox にゾーンして溶岩を泳ぎ、橋が見えたら左側 (east) の崖を上ります。

上へあがったら左手 (south) 側に大きな入り口が見えます。入ってすぐに Blackguard がいますが、倒していくか、Invis を使って抜けます。

通路をどんどん奥へ行くと部屋の真ん中に彫像がある部屋が見えてきます。そこに Broken Skull adherent、Broken Skull initiate などがいますが、このうち Broken Skull adherent が目的の amulet 「A glowing zraxthril amulet」 を落とします。

(drop rate はかなり高めだと思います。私の場合は 10 匹くらいで 3 個 drop しました。)

Spell: Icewind
Zone NPC Item
Crypt of Nadox a Broken Skull adherent A glowing zraxthril amulet (ND)

amulet を1つ入手したら Gaudric Stormwynd のもとへ戻り Item を渡します。

Gaudric Stormwynd takes the amulet from your hand and holds it in front of his eyes. He begins to speak arcane words into the stone, holding his other hand under the amulet. The amulet begins to spasm around crazily on its cord as if some creature were trying to escape from it. Sweat begins to bead up on Gaudric's brow. Suddenly the amulet explodes with light and Gadric is thrown to the ground. You reach down and carefully pick up the amulet from the ground. You notice a large crack across the face. A watery visage begins to rise from the crack in the amulet and take shape before you. The tempest spirit coalesces into a vaguely humanoid form and motions toward you. He points directly to the amulet in your hands.

すると amulet は 「A cracked Zraxthril amulet」 になって返ってきて、隣にTempest Spirit が POP しますので Tempest Spirit に amulet を渡します。

You say, 'Hail, A Tempest Spirit'
Gaudric Stormwynd says 'I believe the followers of Nadox have found a way to control the spirits of the tempest by capturing them in amulets made of the black rock from the island. Bring me one of their amulets and I may be able to free the spirit from it.'
You gain experience!!
A Tempest Spirit takes the amulet from you and holds it in his watery hand. The wind around you rises and the sea begins to swell. The spirit melts into a swirling pool at your feet. You gaze down into the pool and notice it begin to shrink in circumference. It continues to shrink and spin until finally there is nothing left but a small blue amulet on the ground. You reach to pick it up and hear a voice echo from the sea. 'Call us and we will aid you.'

Spell: Icewind が入手できました。


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