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Trueshot Longbow

Kelethin の Ranger Guild の Guildmaster、Masesyn Trueshot に話を聞いてみましょう。

You say, 'hail Maesyn Trueshot'
Maesyn Trueshot says 'Welcome to Kelethin Miky. I am Maesyn Trueshot commander of Faydark's Champions. We are the finest marksman in all of Norrath. With our trusty [Trueshot Longbows] we can miss no target no matter what the distance or the conditions.
You say, 'What is Trueshot Longbows?'
Maesyn Trueshot says 'The Trueshot Longbow is created by my famed father, Eldin Trueshot. It is quite accurate and takes a rangers skill to wield. We use our new recruits to [gather materials] needed by my father. We shall soon begin to release it's formula to all good elves so all may fletch such a bow.
You say, 'I will gather materials'

-Low Faction-
Maesyn Trueshot says 'Your ways are considered vile to Faydark's Champions. Leave before my rage takes over my actions.
-High Faction-
Maesyn Trueshot says 'Take this pack. You will go to Kaladim and find Trantor Everhot and ask for Dwarven Wire. Then go to Freeport to meet a Jyle Windshot, search the inns, ask him for Treant Wood. Then collect some Spiderling Silk from spiderlings and Finally in Steamfont, we have the permission of the dwarves to use any Micro Servos we find while destroying rogue spiders. Combine them all and return the pack to me.


Treant Bow Staff
Zone NPC Material
North Kaladim Trantor Everhot Dwarven Wire (No Drop)
West Freeport Jyle Windshot Wooden Shards
Steamfont Mountains, etc... spiderling Spiderling Silk
Steamfont Mountains rogue(runaway) clockwork Micro Servo (No Drop)
Kelethin Maesyn Trueshot Material Pack (Lore)

■Dwarven Wire■
やること自体は買い物なので簡単なのですが、船を駆使しなければならないため少し面倒になります。まずは Trantor Everhot に話を聞きに行きます。

You say, 'hail Trantor Everhot'
Trantor Everhot says 'Yes, yes!! I am a very busy man. I got blueprints to work on, [Dwarven Wire] to perfect and formulas to calculate. In between that I have to find time to head down to Irontoes and down a few Tumpy Tonics.
You say, 'What is Dwarven Wire?'
Trantor Everhot says 'Oh!! Interested in my Dwarven Wire are you. Many are. I have no problem letting you use a spool but I have to warn you that I have not perfected the strength of it yet. I will make you a trade. A couple [Tumpy Tonics] for a spool.
You say, 'What is Tumpy Tonics?'
Trantor Everhot says 'Aaah!! I love Tumpy Tonics. They were created by Tumpy Irontoe. He was once a member of the famed Irontoe Brigade, since they disbanded left for parts unknown he decided to stay in Kaladim and open Irontoes, the finest well in Faydwer.

Tumpy Tonic (お酒)は Tumpy Irontoe が作れるようです。早速彼に会いに行って作ってもらいましょう。

You say, 'hail Tumpy Irontoe'
Tumpy Irontoe says 'Welcome to Irontoes. The finest watering hole this side of Oggok. If your looking for anything special and it ain't behind the bar, just ask. Maybe I can make it.
You say, 'Can you make Tumpy Tonic?'
Tumpy Irontoe says 'So you want a Tumpy Tonic? I can make you one. All I need is a Flask of Water and a Kiola Nut. The Kiola Nut can be bought in the Ocean of Tears island chain.

すぐには作ってくれませんね(泣)。Water Flask (Forageで拾ったPod of Waterはダメ)と Kiola Nut が必要だと言われます。Water Flask 炭坑内の NPC が売っています。Kiola Nut を売っているお店はOcean of Tears の Wood Elf の島(Freeportからは船で1つ目、Butcherblockからは船で2つ目の島)に売っています。

材料が揃ったら Water Flask とKiola Nutを一つずつ渡してみましょう。Tompy Tonicがもらえます。今度はそれを Trantor Everhot に持っていきます。重ねずに計2つの Tompy Tonic を渡します。これでやっと Dwarven Wire がもらえます。

■Wooden Shards (Treant Wood)■
これもやることはすごく簡単。Small Lantern を買って Jyle Windshot にあげるだけ。Small Lantern は West Freeport には売っていませんので、North Freeport 辺りに買いに行くといいでしょう。

You say, 'hail Jyle Windshot'
Jyle Windshot says 'Hello. Might I ask what you are looking for?
You say, 'I am looking for Treant Wood'
Jyle Windshot says 'You are a new courier from the Faydark's. I am sorry I did not stay closer to the docks. I hear that part of Freeport is dangerous and is filled with many rogues. I shall require a new Small Lantern in trade for the Treant Wood.

一度にいくつ渡しても構いません。4 つ渡せば Wooden Shards が4つもらえます。ごく希に wooden heart (Treant Heart) がもらえることがあります。(Trueshot Longbow の上位、Rain Caller で使用)

Trantor Everhot より Dwarven Wire を、Jyle Windshot より Treant Wood を、spiderling より Spiderling Silk を、rogue spider より Micro Servo を集めたら、それを先ほど Trueshotより 受け取った Material Pack に詰めて Combine し、それを Trueshot に返します。注意したいのは Trueshot Longbow を作るまでに、Dwarven Wire と Micro Servo は最低2個必要になると言うことです。

Maesyn Trueshot says 'I shall see that my father get's the materials. I hope this can be of use to you. It is your starting point in which to fletch a Trueshot Longbow. It is unfortunate we are unable to enchant the bow to it's [next incarnation], but it is still a fine weapon. You do know the [correct components] now needed for fletching such a bow? Do you not?

Treant Bow Staff を受け取りました。最後の Combine は自分でやらなくてはなりません。作り方を聞いてみましょう。

You say, 'I will correct components'
Maesyn Trueshot says 'Now that I have crafted the Treant Bow Staff, you shall need One Planning Tool, One Treant Bow Staff, One Micro Servo and One spool of Dwarven Wire. These items will be used with your Fletching Kit as all other bows. Be forewarned, only a Master Fletcher can create such a bow and even a master fails from time to time. Good Luck.

先ほど受け取った Treant Bow Staff と Planning Tool (Shopで購入可)と Micro Servo、Dwarven Wire を Fletching Kit を使い自分で combine します。だだし fletching skill がチェックされますので最低でもスキルがマスター (100以上) ないとほぼ失敗します。trivial は 235 程度なので、結局 200 近いスキルがないと成功することは希です。

Trueshot Longbow
Slot:  RANGE
Skill: Archery  Atk Delay: 45
DMG: 20
WT:  3.0  Range: 100  Size: LARGE
Class: RNG

You say, 'What is next incarnation?

Rain Caller に続く。


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