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Rain Caller

Trueshot Longbow の材料を Masesyn Trueshot に渡したとき、最後に気になる話をします。

Maesyn Trueshot says 'I shall see that my father get's the materials. I hope this can be of use to you. It is your starting point in which to fletch a Trueshot Longbow. It is unfortunate we are unable to enchant the bow to it's [next incarnation], but it is still a fine weapon. You do know the [correct components] now needed for fletching such a bow? Do you not?

You say, 'What is next incarnation?
Maesyn Trueshot says 'The Trueshot Longbow was once enchanted by the Koada'Dal enchanters. Once it was enchanted now it is no more. I am sure if you were ask the Koada'Dal [where the enchanted bows] are you will get an answer.

話によると Trueshot Longbow はかつて Koada'Dal (High Elf) の Enchanter 達によって魔法が施されていたようです。Felwithe の Enchanter Guild に行って Guild Master の Kinool Goldsinger に話を聞いてみましょう。

You say, 'Where can I get an Enchanted Trueshot Bow?'
Kinool Goldsinger says 'Alas... Another ranger in search of the [Rain Caller]. She is no more.
You say, 'What is the Rain Caller?'
Kinool Goldsinger says 'Rain Caller is the name we give each Trueshot longbow once it is enchanted. Unfortunately, I am unable to enchant them any longer. One of the components is no longer available. Someone would have to strike a [deal with the fairie folk]. Once I have that and the [remaining components] I can create the Rain Caller, a ranger's bow.
You say, 'What is a deal with the fairie folk?'
Kinool Goldsinger says 'The fairie princess, Joleena, used to have a metal gnome deliver [fairie gold dust] to the Keepers every month. She has stopped this and now refuses to offer it to any nation of Faydwer. What she is angry about, we do not know.
You say, 'What is a fairie gold dust?'
Kinool Goldsinger says 'Fairie gold dust is an enchanted powder which only a fairie princess can create.
You say, 'What is the remaining components?'
Kinool Goldsinger says 'The remaining components are the Trueshot longbow and a treant heart. There will also be the guild donation in the amount of 3000 gold coins. These and the [fairie gold dust] will merit a ranger the Rain Caller enchanted bow.

Trueshot Longbow を enchant するためには、以下の材料が必要なようです。
また Treant Heart は Karana にいる Treant を殺すことでも手に入りますが ranger 関連の faction が下がってしまうので evil race の人に頼むと良いでしょう。

Fairie Gold Dust は fairie princess だけが作ることが出来るようです。Lesser Faydark の fairie の村に行き、Princess Joleena に話を聞いてみましょう。

You say, 'hail Princess Joleena'
Princess Joleena says 'I am the Fairie Princess, Joleena. You may stay amongst my people, but do not nibble from our homes.
You say, 'I want Fairie Gold Dust'
Princess Joleena says 'You wish the magical Fairie Gold Dust? Hmmph!! I refuse to offer it to any of the giants of Faydwer. How can I trust any of you. You have crept up upon my me and snatched one of my wings from my back. There will be no Fairie Gold Dust until my wing has been returned to me. You may not be the stalker [who snatched my wing], but all you giants are similar. Prove me wrong and return my wing.
You say, 'Who snatched your wing?'
Princess Joleena says 'I did not see the swift giant, I was blinded by the sun glaring off his balding head. I do remember the smell of rust and refuse. How he got past my Clockwork Guardian, Gearheart, is a mystery to us all.

  • 「あんな素早い巨人(フェアリーから見れば一般人はすべて巨人ですね)見たことないわよ。」
  • 「禿げ頭が太陽に反射してむっちゃまぶしかったわぁ。」
  • 「なんだか鉄錆臭かったわ……いや〜ね。」
  • 「あたしの Clockwork Guardian、Gearheart の目をどうやってごまかしたのかしら?」
素早い、禿げた、鉄錆臭く、機械に詳しい種族なんて……。何も言わずに Ak'anon へ!

Ak'anon の奥、Necromancer Guild (ここには近づかないように……)の前を通り過ぎ、坂を下って川を渡ったあたりに Sanfyrd Featherhead がいます。

You say, 'hail Sanfyrd Featherhead'
Sanfyrd Featherhead says 'Greetings. I am the operator of this Scrapyard. If you have any Scrap Metal I would be glad to purchase it from you in loads of four. The Gemchoppers no longer allow me to accept Blackbox Fragments and Micro Servos.
You say, 'Where Princess Joleena's wing is?'
Sanfyrd Featherhead says 'No!! You cannot have my magic Fairie Wing!! I need it. I read somewhere within the great library that the magic wing from a fairie princess will restore my full head of hair. Look at me!! I am bald!! I have no [friends] at all.
You say, 'I am your friend'
Sanfyrd Featherhead says 'Oh. You are just saying that so you can get my fairie wing. I will make you a deal. I cannot rely on this wing forever. I will trade it with you if you could get me a case of hair tonic. If you are a true friend you [will fetch the hair tonic] for me.
You say, 'I will fetch the hair tonic'
Sanfyrd Featherhead says 'Great!! Here you go, my friend. Take this crate and within you shall fill each slot with hair tonic. When all are combined within the crate, return it to me for your wing. I am not sure what the tonic was or where I got it. There is some writing on the crate, but I could not identify it.

Princess Joleena の羽について聞くと彼は目の色を変えます。一生に関わるような大事な物らしい。そして開き直った彼は、



Freeport の WestGate を出たところに Gnome の Ping Fuzzlecutter のお店があります。そこにFormula5000 というヤバそうな薬が。10本買って Crate for Tonics に詰めて Combine します。

Ak'anon に戻り Crate of Hair Tonic を Sanfyrd Featherhead に渡します。

Sanfyrd Featherhead says 'Huzzah!! You are my friend. Now you can take my old toupee and get it repaired. Just go to Freeport and ask Ping to [repair the toupee]. Hey!! You know what? He is the guy who sells the hair tonic!! I remember now. Well,.. Get my toupee repaired and I will give you the fairie wing.

すると今度はボロボロのかつら (Tattered Toupee) を渡して、これを先ほどの Ping Fuzzlecutter のカツラ屋に行って直してきて欲しいと。「自分で行って来い!」と言いたくなるところを押さえて再び Freeport へ。

You say, 'You can repair the toupee?'
Ping Fuzzlecutter says 'Ah!! You have a toupee to repair. It must be the [Mane Attraction]. I gave a one out and it seems to always fall to pieces. Seeing as it has a 100 season warranty and I only created it 5 seasons ago, I suppose I can do it. Do you want me to [make the Mane Attraction].
You say, 'What is Mane Attraction?'
Ping Fuzzlecutter says 'The Mane Attraction is a special toupee I created for a Gnome junker. He wasn't getting much attention at the taverns till I created the eye catching toupee. He became one Charismatic Gnome after that. Unfortunately, it seems to fall to pieces to easy and since it has a warranty, I have to fix it for him every time at no charge!! I will never make another.
You say, 'I want you to make the Mane Attraction.'
Ping Fuzzlecutter says 'If you have the original tattered toupee then I can do it. Before you give it to me I will also need three other items. I require two clumps of hair from a Hulking Gorilla and a strand of hair from a [certain mermaid].
You say, 'Where is certain mermaid?'
Ping Fuzzlecutter says 'I encountered a particular mermaid with beautiful hair!! She had beautiful golden tresses. I used a lockof her hair to create the Mane Attraction. That was a while back when I was in Faydwer.

カツラを直すには以下の材料が必要なようです。hulking gorilla はFeerrott の Cazic-Thule の入り口の付近にいるやつです。golden haired mermaid の場所は EQ Atlas のNo.4を参照に。

2つの材料がそろったらTattered Toupeeと一緒に Ping Fuzzlecutter に渡します。

Mane Attraction
Zone NPC Material
Feerrott hulking gorilla clump of gorilla hair x 2 (ND)
Kedge Keep golden haired mermaid lock of hair (ND)

Ping Fuzzlecutter says 'You are a good helper. Here you go. One genuine, charismatic, lady magnet, zero to hero making Mane Attraction!! Guarnteed to lower prices world wide. Guarnteed to last forever.. Err.. Well,.. It has a 1000 year warranty at least.

そうすると Mane Attraction (AC:4, CHA:10, ALL/ALL)最低1000年保証というカツラをいただきます。Ak'anon に戻って、Sanfyrd Featherhead に Mane Attraction を届けます。

Sanfyrd Featherhead says 'Double Huzzah!! You are a good friend Milky. Now mayhaps I shall find myself a wife. Here pal, the fairy wing. I hope it can give you a great head of hair. You need it.

Glimmering Fairy Wing がもらえるので Princess Joleena に返しにいきましょう。

Princess Joleena says 'My wing!! I am so happy!! Thank you Milky. You have proved that I can trust giants once again. Please take a Pouch of Fairie Gold Dust. It's magical properties are desired by all.

以下の材料がそろったら Kinool Goldsinger に Trueshot Longbow と一緒に渡しましょう。

Rain Caller
Zone NPC Material
Kelethin Maesyn Trueshot Trueshot Longbow
West Freeport Jyle Windshot Treant Heart
Karana treant
Lesser Faydark Princess Joleena Pouch of Fairie Gold Dust
- - 3,000GP

Kinool Goldsinger says 'Fine work!! I now reward you with The Rain Caller.

Rain Caller
Slot:  RANGE
Charges: 5
Skill: Archery  Atk Delay: 45
DMG: 20
STR: +6  DEX: +6
Effect: Firestrike (Casting Time: Instant)
WT:  3.0  Range: 200  Size: LARGE
Class: RNG


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