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Morin's Sword
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Plane of Sky
Epic Quest
Tracker's Helm
SoV Armors
Woodman's Armor
PoP Armors
LoY Spells

Morin's Sword ( Ranger Guild in Kithicor Forest )

Kithicor Forest の Ranger Guild にいる Morin Shadowbane に話を聞くところから始まります。

You say, 'Hail Morin Shadowbane'
Morin Shadowbane says 'Hail _____. I am the leader of this beleaguered troop of rangers. Even though the once fair Kithicor slowly succumbs to the [darkness] at hand, we shall not abandon the woods without a fight.
You say, 'What darkness?'
Morin Shadowbane says 'The denizens of these woods are slowly being overrun by dark fiends and shadowed men. As valiantly as we have fought, our numbers dwindle. We know very little about our aggressors, but if we [acquire some information] or perhaps [fine weapons], then we may yet have a chance to retake the woods once more.
You say, 'I will acquire some information'
Morin Shadowbane says 'Your tracking skills are invaluable to our cause, brave _____. Our scouts have reported of a Ghoul Messenger. They have spotted him traveling between Kithicor and an undead camp in the Plains of Karana. They have attempted to track the monster and obtain any Strategic Documentation he may be carrying. Perhaps you can succeed where others have failed. Perhaps you can earn my personal short sword.
You say, 'What about fine weapons?'
Morin Shadowbane says 'My soldiers are valiant, but poorly equipped. I have heard of a magical weapon of great power, some call it the Ebony Blade. Amongst the Froglocks there can be found a Minotaur who wields this sword of might. If you are a ranger and could provide me with this sword then I would gladly exchange it with my own meager weapon. If you prefer, you may attempt to [acquire some information] for us instead.

どうやら Kithicor Forest は影の者たちにより侵略を受けている様子。これを阻止するために、ある情報を手に入れるか、それに対抗するための強力な武器が必要なようです。

1. 戦略地図を手に入れる
まず West Karana に向かい、Tracking を駆使して Ghoul Messenger を探します。彼は常に POP しているので North Karana 側で Tracking を使うとすぐ見つけられるでしょう。無事倒すことが出来たら "A strategic map of Kithicor" を持ち帰り、Morin Shadowbane に渡すと Short Sword of Morin がもらえます。
2. 魔法の武器を手に入れる
Lower Guk の Live Side に向かい、minotaur patriarch を倒します。common drop が Azure Sleeve、rare drop で Ebony Blade Sword を落とします。Sword の場合は手に持っているので一目で分かります。運良く入手できたら Morin Shadowbane のもとに戻り、Ebony Blade Sword を渡せば代わりに Short Sword of Morin がもらえます。

この2つの方法のうちどちらかを選ぶことになりますが、おすすめは断然 "1" でしょう。以前、Tracking が改良されるまでは Ghoul Messenger を見つけるのは困難でしたが、現在は容易に見つけることが出来ると思います。

Morin Shadowbane says 'Excellent work, _____!! It is obvious that you are a highly skilled tracker and warrior. Accept this reward, my personal sword which has served me well in countless battles. Perhaps you are willing to perform [another service] on our behalf?

Short Sword of Morin
Skill: 1H Slashing  Atk Delay: 22
DMG: 6
STR: +3  AGI: +3
WT: 3.0  Size: MEDIUM
Class: RNG

You say, 'What is another service?'

Orc Impaler に続く


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