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Pine Scout
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Rain Caller
Ivy Armor
Morin's Sword
Orc Impaler
Call of Flame
Plane of Sky
Epic Quest
Tracker's Helm
SoV Armors
Woodman's Armor
PoP Armors
LoY Spells

Ivy Armor ( Ranger Guild in Kithicor Forest )

Item List
Piece Misc1 Misc2 Misc3
Helm Rune of Ivy (top) Cyclops Charm Sapphire
Tunic Rune of Ivy (right) Skull of Meldrath Ruby x 2
Sleeves Rune of Ivy (left) Heart of Fire Star Ruby x 2
Bracer Rune of Ivy (bottom) Water Ring Fire Emerald
Gauntlets Broken Bow Part A Broken Bow Part B -
Leggings Quiver of Kithicor Star of Odus -
Boots Mistmoore Granite Bar of Ronium 2,000 gp
*( )内は Item Lore : Identify (鑑定)を使ったときに現れる隠された文字。4種類の rune はすべて同じ名前ですが、Identify により区別することが出来ます。

まずは Kithicor Forest の Ranger Guild にいる Gandari に Ivy Armor について聞いてみましょう。

You say, 'hail Gandari'
Gandari says 'Most call me Gandari the Terse. You here for [Ivy Armor]?
You say, 'What about Ivy Armor?'
Gandari says 'I reward brave Rangers with Ivy Etched Armor ・[Helm]s, [Tunic]s, [Sleeves] and [Bracers]. [Interested]?
You say, 'I am interested in the Helm'
Gandari says 'I do not haggle, I do not bargain. The Top of the Rune of Ivy from the Castle Mistmoore, a Cyclops Charm from Tarskuk and a Sapphire of Sky Blue. Bring these to me and you shall earn your reward.
You say, 'I am interested in the Tunic'
Gandari says 'I do not haggle, I do not bargain. The Skull of Meldrath, the Right side of the Rune of Ivy from the Thistle Brownie and two Rubies of Fiery Red. Bring these to me and you shall earn your reward.
You say, 'I am interested in the Sleeves'
Gandari says 'I do not haggle, I do not bargain. A Heart of Fire from the Caverns of Solusek, the Left side of the Rune of Ivy from the Griffon Grimfeather and two Star Rubies of sparkling hue. Bring these to me and you shall earn your reward.
You say, 'I am interested in the Bracers'
Gandari says 'I do not haggle, I do not bargain. The Bottom of the Rune of Ivy from the plains of Everfrost, a Watery Ring from the Cauldron of Tears and a Fire Emerald to warm my heart. Bring these to me and you shall earn your reward.


Ivy Etched Helm

helm を入手するためには、まず Castle Mistmoor で castle 内に無数にいる deathly usher を倒し、 rune を手に入れます。rune 自体はランダムで容易に手に入ります。Tarskuk は Rathe Mountains の Lake Rathetear ゾーン方面で見つかります。

場所 所持NPC 材料
Castle Mistmoor a deathly usher Rune of Ivy
Rathe Mountains Tarskuk Cyclops Charm
- - Sapphire

Ivy Etched Tunic

tunic は 少し難易度が高めです。強いのが Meldrath The Malignant で 彼は Steamfont Mountains の Minotaur Cave にいます。Pet、Darkness、Fear などのいやな魔法を使うことと、お付きの Minotaur Guard 2体、また Minotaur Hero (Lv36)等も spawn することを考えれば適正レベルでは solo はやめた方がいいでしょう (場所はEQ AtlasのNo.1参照)。Thistle Underbrush は Lesser Faydark に spawn しますが、place holder に brownie scout (Lv37-41、大体 zone 内に 3pop 前後、巡回型)が加わり、これが本命の Thistle Underbrush よりはるかに強いため、spawn していない場合はそれ以上の戦力が要求されます。

TUNIC (AC:19, STR:+3, WIS:+3, HP:+30)
場所 所持NPC 材料
Steamfont Mountains Meldrath The Malignant Skull of Meldrath
Lesser Faydark Thistle Underbrush Rune of Ivy
- - Ruby×2

Ivy Etched Sleeves

sleeves もかなり難易度が高いかもしれません。Heart of Fire は inferno goblin wizard からランダムに手に入ります。強敵 GrimFeather ですが Lv50 近くないと solo で勝のは困難でしょう。基本的に griffin 系の敵はレベル以上の攻撃力を持っていますし、またむやみに手を出すと SoW 以上の速度で追いつかれるため、逃げ切ることさえ困難です。

場所 所持NPC 材料
Soluseks's Eye ( Sol A ) a inferno goblin wizard Heart of Fire
North Karana GrimFeather Rune of Ivy
- - Star Ruby×2

Ivy Etched Bracer

Redwind は Permafrost 方面の Stone Giant Statue の近くの神殿に Icy Orc 達とともに spawn します(場所はEQ AtlasのNo.9を参照)。aqua goblin tidal lord は Dagnor's Cauldron の全体に spawn し、ランダムで Water Ring を落とします。

場所 所持NPC 材料
Everfrost Peaks Redwind Rune of Ivy
Dagnor's Cauldron a aqua goblin tidal lord Water Ring
- - Fire Emerald


次に Kithicor Forest の Ranger Guild の外の木下にいる Leaf Falldim に話しかけてみましょう。

You say, 'hail Leaf Falldim'
Leaf Falldim says 'Greetings Milky. Respect the woods and all it's inhabitants of face the wrath of the rangers. Do not end up like [Maldyn Greenburn].
You say, 'Who is Maldyn Greenburn?'
Leaf Falldim says 'Maldyn was once one of us. He was the finest of archers. Everyone aspired to be as him. He soon was tempted to acts of hunting. The animals of these woods found themselves nothing more than moving targets for Maldyn's training. We held a trial and exiled him to parts unknown. He would take with him Morin's [Bow of Kithicor]. I was asked to find a worthy ranger to [retrieve the bow].
You say, 'What about Bow of Kithicor'
Leaf Falldim says 'The Bow of Kithicor was carved from an ancient tree. It has great powers which were but a portion of the tree's mana. I seek a brave ranger to [retrieve the bow].
You say, 'I will retrieve the bow.'
Leaf Falldim says 'Search the lands of the Unkempt Druids within Rathe Mountains. I have heard of his arrows being found within it's territories and his death wish to hunt down it's leader. Retrieve the bow and return it to me and I shall give you the Ivy Etched Gauntlets.

Ivy Etched Gauntlets

Maldyn the unkempt は Brother Zephyl (for monk quest, Lv61)、Hasten Bootstruter (for Journeymans Boots quest, Lv40)、a drake の4種類が同じ spawn table に存在するため、このうちの Maldyn 以外の3種類が出ている場合は kill するか、数時間の despawn を待つ必要があります。kill する場合は6分程度で上記のどれかが respawn します。ただし Brother Zephyl などは Lv61 monk なので現状 despawn(6時間未満のランダム。30分未満で despawn する事もあります)を待つしかありません。Hasten Bootstruter は kill しても faction hit はありません。全体の巡回路として EQ Atlas の Feerott からゾーンして最初の十字路付近から No.21 付近までの主に東西にのびる中央の道から南側のエリア全般を巡回します。それぞれの NPC の spawn point も巡回路も異なりますが、同じ spawn table に属します。Slaythe The Slayer は Lower Guk の live side に spawn します(場所は EQ Atlas では No.7 になっていますが、その右斜め上の行き止まりの小さな部屋に spawn します)。Broken Bow Part A と Broken Bow Part B を持ち帰り Leaf Falldim に渡せば代わりに Gauntlets がもらえます。

場所 所持NPC アイテム
Rathe Mountains Maldyn the unkempt Broken Bow Part A
Lower Guk Slaythe The Slayer Broken Bow Part B

また、この NPC に Ivy etched leggings のことを聞くと……

You say, 'What is Ivy etched leggings?'
Leaf Falldim says 'I will make you an offer. If you be a Ranger, as they are made for only a ranger, you will venture to Faydwer. There you shall seek out Lieutenant Leafstalker of the Kelethin army. He sent message of his retrieval of the Quiver of Kithicor. Tell him you want it and return it to me. Oh,.. One more [small item].
You say, 'What is small item?'
Leaf Falldim says 'Along with the Quiver you shall journey to Erudin and purchase a Star of Odus gem to add to the quiver. Consider the coins you shall spend an offering to the woods.

Kelethin の Lieutenant Leafstalker に会いに行くように言われます。そこで Quiver of Kithicor について尋ねてみます。

You say, 'hail Lieutenant Leafstalker'
Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Hail!! Respect all laws within Kelethin and her territory and you shall live a fruitful life.
You say, 'What is Quiver of Kithicor?'
Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Ummm.. I have some bad news. I did find it, but a band of Brownie Outcasts came in the night and took [all of the arrows] from the quiver and ran back to the forest they came from. As if that were not enough, while I was hot on their little heels, the thief [Wiltin Windwalker] came into Kelethin and took the quiver itself. Whew!!.. What a day.
You say, 'What is all of the arrows?'
Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'All of the arrows are gone. You must get the arrows ofrecognition,acknowledgment,defiance,gallantry,bravery and fortitude. Get them from the Brownie Outcasts and combine them in the quiver.
You say, 'Who is Wiltin Windwalker?'
Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Wiltin Windwalker!! Traitor he is. He left Kelethin to join the Pirates of Gunthak. I have heard news that the Royal Navy of Ak'Anon sank the pirate ship he was on within the Ocean of Tears. What I don't get is where those little Gnomes moor their ships,.. They have no harbor!! But that is another story.

Ivy Etched Leggings

Lesser Faydark にいる brownie outcast を倒し6種類の arrowを 手に入れ、次に Ocean of Tears にいる Wiltin Windwalker から入手した Quiver of Kithicor に入れ combine します。これと Erudin の bank 近くで購入できる Star of Odus を Leaf Falldim に渡せば Ivy etched leggings がもらえます。

場所 所持NPC アイテム
Lesser Faydark Brownie Outcast arrows of recognition
arrows of acknowledgment
arrows of defiance
arrows of gallantry
arrows of bravery
arrows of fortitude
Ocean of Tears Wiltin Windwalker Quiver of Kithicor
Erudin - Star of Odus

さらに Ivy Etched Boots について聞くと……

You say, 'I will earn the ivy etched boots'
Leaf Falldim says 'If you wish the ivy etched boots, you shall do me a favor. I am testing new arrow tips and wish a few of the hardest minerals I know of. From the mines of the Temple of Solusek Ro, ronium. From the land of Mistmoore, fetch me Mistmoore granite. Return these to me along with a guild offering of 2000 gold pieces.

Ivy Etched Boots

2,000gp は念のため GP に両替して渡しましょう。200pp ではないということです。また Bar of Ronium はクエストによって得られます。以下はその流れです。

BOOTS (AC:10, STA:+5)
場所 所持NPC 材料
Castle Mistmoor gargoyles Mistmoore Granite
Temple of Solusek Ro Lord Searfire Bar of Ronium
- - 2,000GP

Bar of Ronium

You say, 'hail Lord Searfire'
Lord Searfire says 'Greetings. May the glory of Solusek Ro run within your veins. I am the forge master of this temple. Called to service by the Burning Prince. Should you ever need my service and find me gone, have no fear, I shall return. I must venture to other realms in service of the temple. I shall always return, this is my eternal home.
You say, 'What is Ronium?'
Lord Searfire says 'You seek Ronium. It is a fine blend of metals. I alone hold the secret of it's formula. I and I alone can offer it to those who serve this Temple. Do you wish a [bar of the alloy]?
You say, 'What is a bar of the alloy?'
Lord Searfire says 'Take this Sol Cauldron. Within it shall be combined elements of this world. You will add to it, Melatite, Two Bars of Enchanted Platinum, Mistmoore Granite, the Sands of Ro and Soil of Underfoot. If you be a master blacksmith then the elements shall combine to make the enchanted metal I have named, Ronium.

Bar of Ronium
場所 所持NPC 材料
Soluseks's Eye ( Sol A ) Model CX, Model MB Melatite
Castle Mistmoor gargoyles Mistmoore Granite
Oasis of Marr / Ro sand giant Sand of Ro
North Kaladim Priestess Ghalea Soil of Underfoot
- - Enchant Platinum Bar×2

上記の材料を Lord Searfire からもらった Sol Cauldron に詰めて combine します。(スキルが'0'でも成功します)

結局 Mistmoore Garanite は2つ必要になります。No Drop ですが Lore ではないので複数持てます。また Soil of Underfoot もクエストによって得られます。このクエストは非常に簡単なため問題はないと思います。


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