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Orc Impaler ( Ranger Guild in Kithicor Forest )

Short Sword of Morin のクエストを達成した時に、Morin Shadowbane が最後に言い残す言葉よりスタートします。(キーワードさえ分かっていれば、Short Sword of Morin のクエストをコンプリートしていなくてもこのクエストは達成可能)

Morin Shadowbane says 'Excellent work, _____!! It is obvious that you are a highly skilled tracker and warrior. Accept this reward, my personal sword which has served me well in countless battles. Perhaps you are willing to perform [another service] on our behalf?

→ 参照 : Morin's Sword


You say, 'What is another service?'
Morin Shadowbane says 'Very well then, your help will bring us closer to solving the mystery of Kithicor! Find Bryn Fynndel in the Lesser Faydark and tell him Morin sent you. His band of elven warriors are observing the activities of the Crushbone Orcs and Mistmoore dark elves, perhaps you can help them shed some light on our plight.

Lesser Faydark にいる Bryn Fynndel に会い、彼らの手伝いをして欲しいと言うことらしいです。そこで Bryn Fynndel に「Morinが私をここに派遣しました。」と話しかけてみましょう。

You say, 'Morin sent me'
Bryn Fynndel says 'Morin Shadowbane, the great ranger, sent you to assist us? A strong ranger you must be if he has sent you personally. There is a great evil stalking the land, and it has spread its tendrils into Kithicor Forest. We believe the [shadowed men] are involved with this somehow.
You say, 'What is shadowed men?'
Bryn Fynndel says 'The shadowed men have recently begun to appear, with vile purposes unknown to us. Their leader wanders these woods with a contingent of guards. Bring us his code book, and we may learn more of their plans.

最近現れ始めた shadowed man 達が何かよからぬ企みをしているのではないか?というわけでその謎を解くため、そのリーダーである Shadowman Leader を倒し彼の Code Book を持ち帰ってきて欲しいと頼まれます。

無事 Shadowed Code Book を入手したら、Bryn Fynndel に渡します。

Bryn Fynndel says 'Excellent work, _____! According to these codes, it seems the Ghoul Boss has been alerted to our probes now that his messenger is missing. We have a scout, Glidara Myllar, that may be in danger. Give her this note as soon as you can, she is in grave danger!

この Code Book によると、Ghoul Boss が私たちの調査に気づき警戒態勢を取り始めたようです。現在 Glidara Myllar を調査にやっているが、彼女が危険な状態かもしれないということをすぐに知らせて欲しいと、Warning to Glidara という手紙を受け取ります。

Undead Ruin 付近に Glidara Myllar がいますので、彼女に手紙を渡します

Glidara Myllar says 'So the Ghoul Boss knows of our inquiries? I fear that villain not! In fact, we must find out how much information he has received. Invade the undead ruins nearby and retrieve his log. Take this Ring it will protect from his spells. Return my ring with his log book and we will hopefully crack the mystery of Kithicor.

Ghoul Boss が私たちの調査についてどれほど知っているか調べなくてはならない。そこで Undead Ruin へ行き彼から記録メモを奪ってきて欲しいと。そしてこのリングは彼の呪文から身を守ってくれるでしょうと、Glidara's Ring を受け取ります。彼を倒しGhoul Boss' Log Book を手に入れたら Glidara's Ring と一緒に Glidara Myllar に返します。

Glidara Myllar says 'Daring work, _____. I have imprinted my seal on this log so that only Morin may open it. Deliver the log to Morin.

Morin にこのログを配達して欲しいと Sealed Ghoul Boss' Log Book を受け取ります。

Kithicor Forest に戻り Morin Shadowbane に Log Book を渡します。

Morin Shadowbane says 'We meet again, _____. The Ghoul Boss' log reveals much of the machinations of our dark oppressors, but not enough. Deliver these orders to Bryn in Lesser Faydark, and he will provide you with another weapon to aid in our defense of Kithicor.

すると Orders for Bryn という手紙を受け取りますので、それをまた Bryn Fynndel に届けます。

Bryn Fynndel says 'The vile Ghoul Boss has been defeated! My new orders state to arm you with our finest weaponry. Take this, the mighty Orc Impaler. Safe journeys, brave adventurer.

手紙を渡すと Orc Impaler が貰えます。

Orc Impaler
Skill: Piercing  Atk Delay: 23
DMG: 7
STR: +3  WIS: +4  HP: +10
WT: 3.0  Range: 40  Size: SMALL
Class: RNG


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