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Pine Scout
Thorn Mail
Trueshot Chainmail
Rain Caller
Ivy Armor
Morin's Sword
Orc Impaler
Call of Flame
Plane of Sky
Epic Quest
Tracker's Helm
SoV Armors
Woodman's Armor
PoP Armors
LoY Spells

1. Ranger Epic Quest

1. Telin Darkforest in Burning Woods

何か巨大な悪の影が動き出したのを感じ取り、Burning Woods に派遣されたTelin Darkforest 。どうやら裏で Innoruuk が絡んでいるようです。彼は一枚の走り書きをあなたに手渡した。

You say, 'Hail Telin Darkforest'
Telin Darkforest looks at you serenely. 'Hello, wanderer.'
You say, 'what are you doing in this forest?'
Telin Darkforest says 'Mighty this place must have been, once. Now scarred by hatred and suffering. I have been sent here seeking answers to problems not yet understood.
You say, 'What answers?'
Telin Darkforest considers you for a few moments before speaking. 'A great evil walks across the land. The hand of some demon we don't yet know is twisting and polluting forests.'
You say, 'What evil?'
Telin Darkforest says 'If I knew that, I wouldnt be here looking for answers. I would be elsewhere, looking for solutions. For now, I suspect much but know little.
You say, 'What do you suspect?'
Telin Darkforest looks at you and sighs. 'The lands are changing. Beasts, large and small, have turned upon those who watched over them. Druids and rangers, worshippers of both Karana and Tunare, have reported a feeling of hatred throughout their once peaceful lands.'
You say, 'What about Innoruuk?'
Telin Darkforest raises his eyebrow slightly and a subtle look of surprise creeps across his face. 'Innoruuk? Perhaps. Aye. It must be. Perhaps I knew and didn't want to consider the possibility. It must be this though, and some action will have to be taken.'
You say, 'What action?'
Telin Darkforest looks at you consideringly and then scribbles something quickly on a small, worn paper. 'You seem powerful enough. Perhaps you can help those who seek to protect nature's peace. Take this note. Deliver it only into the hands of Faelin Bloodbriar. Where you will find her, I cannot say. She is a friend of mine and a wanderer. She has been seen from one end of the lands to the other. Seek her out, and quickly.'

「あなたは大地の平和を守ろうとする人たちに手を貸すことが出来るだろう。さあ、Faelin Bloodbriarを探しだし、この手紙を渡しなさい。」

Telin Darkforest
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
- Worn Note

2. Faelin Bloodbriar in Greater Faydark

Telin から受け取った Worn Note を手に Faelin Bloodbriar を探しに行きます。彼女は Greater Faydark にいました。Telin からの手紙を渡し、それに目を通す Faelin 。

Faelin Bloodbriar
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Worn Note Faelins Ring

Faelin Bloodbriar reads the note carefully and growls to herself. 'Bad news, eh? Take this ring. There is one elf, dark elf even, who we must go to in order to gather insight into Innoruuk's plans. Giz X'Tin, he goes by most commonly. Kithicor seems to be his favorite haunt and most likely you will find him there. Don't ask how I know him. Just take the ring as my sign to him and he will speak to you. We don't need to speak again, so dont seek me out, just goto Telin. I must leave to investigate these events.'

「悪い知らせのようね?この Ring を受け取りなさい。Innoruukの計画を探るために Giz X'Tinを探しだし、この Ringを渡しなさい。彼が見つかりそうな場所は Kithicorのような気がするわ……。」

3. Giz X`Tin in Kithicor Forest

どうやら Innoruuk が何かしらよからぬ事を企んでいるようです。その証拠を集めるために Kithicor にいる Giz X`Tin を探しに行きます。しかしここに来ることをすでに Innoruuk に見抜かれていたようで、彼が Faelins Ring だと気づくと一枚のコインをはじきとばした。

Ring を渡す前に Giz に対する Faction を上げるため Snaek を使い背後から渡しましょう。

Giz X'Tin
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Faelins Ring Dark Metal Coin

Giz X`Tin flips you a coin after he recognizes the ring. 'It seems we have a mutual 'acquaintance.' The coin repays an old debt. You don't have to worry about what that is. Luckily, Lord Innoruuk has informed me of your coming and your desires. Fortunately, I have all the answers you require right here at the end of my friend's blade. I think I'll be paying my old 'friend' a visit.'


Innoruuk に追放された Teir`Dal Reaver が Dark Metal Coin 目当てに襲いかかってきますが、目的の Coin は Giz に Ring を渡した時点で受け取っているのでそのまま逃げても構いません。

Teir`Dal Reaver says 'Lord Innoruuk, I have failed you. Forgive me and spare me from service to your undead minions in the world!


4. Telin Darkforest in Burning Woods

再びコインを証拠として Telin Darkforest に届けに行きます。

Telin Darkforest
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Dark Metal Coin Worn Dark Metal Coin

Telin Darkforest scratches the coin as he looks at it. 'Faelin sent you to Giz? Surprising. This coin speaks to the outcome of your talk. He would hardly give this bit of metal to a stranger, but that's a story for a different time. So, you say Giz did confirm Innoruuk's involvement, and something about undead minions? Here, take this coin back. Find Arch Druid Althele in the Karanas and show her that. Tell her what we have discussed. She will look kindly on an ally in this matter.'

「Faelinがあなたを Gizのもとへ行かせたのか…?驚いた。このコインがすべてを物語っている。彼が見知らぬ者にこのコインを与えることはめったにないのだが、まぁそのことはおいておこう。とりあえずGizによって Innoruukの関与と undead minion達が何かを関連しているに違いないことがはっきりしたと言うわけだね?さぁ、コインを受け取って。Karanaで Arch Druidの Altheleを探してコインを見せなさい。我々のことを話せば、この問題の協力者と見てくれるでしょう。」

5. Althele in East Karana

コインを渡すと Dark Elf Corruptor が pop するところまで自動的に quest が進行していきますので、注意が必要です。

You say, 'hail Althele'
Althele says 'Hello, friend. Beautiful is what I would call such a day normally but lately?
You say, 'hail Tholris'
Tholris stares in contemplation at the landscape.
Althele says 'Tholris does not speak much. He is here to assist me in my duties. He is my hands, as Fang is my eyes. Fang barks in response to Althele's words.'
You say, 'Why do you need him as your hands and Fang as your eyes?'
Althele says 'Yes. I cannot see any longer, my sight long since lost in the march of years. By the blessings of Tunare and Karana, though, I still make myself useful.'

- Tholrisは景色をじっと見つめている -
私は年でもう長年目が見えません。けれど Tunareと Karanaのおかげで、私はまだお役に立てるのです。

Telin から受け取ったコインを Althele に渡し、協力を求めます。

渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Worn Dark Metal Coin Braided Grass Amulet

Althele looks at the coin and nods gravely at you as she slips it into a fold of her clothing. 'I see. The story of this coin speaks much to me as do the words you have given me. Telin sent word that you would arrive. The tidings you bring are ill indeed. Here, take this amulet and find Sionae. She is nearby. We will speak more on this matter when all are present.'

- Altheleはそのコインを眺め、そして布に包み深刻そうにうなずいた -

「なるほど、このコインはあなたが話すかのように多くのことを語りかけてきます。Telinはあなたがそろそろ到着するだろうことを知らせてきてくれていました。あなたの便りは本当に悪い知らせです。さぁ、このアミュレットを受け取って Sionaeを探してください。彼女は近くにいますよ。すべての人が集まったらこの事についてもっと話し合いましょう。」


Sionae が (-2596, -1595) に pop するので Amulet を渡します。

渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Braided Grass Amulet Frayed Braided Grass Amulet

Sionae says 'I see that the time has come. Take the amulet and give it to the third of our kin, Nuien. I will meet you at the gathering.

「この時が来たのですね。このアミュレットを受け取って3人目の仲間の Nuienに渡してください。集会でお会いしましょう。」


Nuien が (-3657, -300) に pop するので Amulet を渡します。

渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Frayed Braided Grass Amulet Frayed Braided Grass Amulet

Nuien says 'So be it. Do as you have done before and find the next. Teloa is the last.



Teloa が (-3838, -2854) に pop するので Amulet を渡します。

渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Frayed Braided Grass Amulet -

Teloa begins walking toward the gathering spot. 'Follow, friend. Hold that amulet for yourself for the time being.'



全員が Althele (-3660, -1589) のもとに集まり集会をはじめます。(しばらく時間がかかります)

Althele says 'Great mother of life and father of sky, growth and spirit, Tunare and Karana. Innoruuk once again schemes and we have failed in our duties to protect our land. We give our powers in sacrifice for your help. Heed our call and send us your wisdom.
Althele snaps her head towards you. 'Innoruuk's brood is upon us. Go, find the spawn of hatred before they reach this point and destroy them!'

Dark Elf Corruptor shouts 'We come for you, fools. Your reign of weakness over the powers of the land comes to an end now!

「Great mother of life、Father of sky、Growthと Spirit、そして Tunareと Karana よ。Innoruuk はまたもや悪の計画を企て、そして私たちは大地を守るという任務に失敗しました。私たちはあなたのために、いけにえとして我々の力を授けます。」
Altheleは素早くあなたの方に振り返り、「dark elf達が山頂にいます。行きなさい、そして彼らがこの場所にくる前に、dark elf達を見つけ全滅させるのです!」


この shout と同時に北の山の頂上に Dark Elf CorruptorDark Elf Reaver x 2 が pop します。この後ペットを召還した後、山を下って集会を襲撃しにきます。襲撃を許すと集会のクエスト NPC がすべて消えますので、途中で食い止める必要があります。Dark Elf Corruptor が 1~3 分程度で depop してしまうため、山の頂上で1パーティー待機してもらい瞬殺するのがベスト。手下の Dark Elf Reaver は kite か mez 等で集会に近づけさせないようにしておけば問題ありません。Dark Elf Corruptor と Dark Elf Reaver はそれぞれ少し pop ポイントが違います。

Your faction standing with IndigoBrotherhood got worse
Your faction standing with EmeraldWarriors got better
Your faction standing with SteelWarriors got better

Dark Elf Corruptor を倒して Fleshbound Tomb を loot します。それを Althele に渡します。また、Reaver を足止めできず集会を襲ってしまい Althele が depop してしまっても、それまでに Corruptor を倒し Tomb を入手していれば、再び Althele が pop した時に渡しても成功します。

渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Fleshbound Tomb Earth Stained Note

Fleshbound Tombを 渡すと Althele は一枚の手紙を手渡します。

Althele hands the book to Tholris who reads through it with lines of concern etched on his face, then whispers into her ear. 'Dire news, indeed. This cannot be allowed. I must keep this book but you, Milky , must not allow Innoruuk, to seed the land with his hatred and filth. You have only just begun your quest. The path you are guided upon will be difficult, if not impossible, but someone must finish it. Please, take this, read of it, follow its instructions. Tunare bless your path and Karana watch over you.'

- Altheleは Tholrisにその本を手渡し、彼は顔をしかめて関連する文章を読み、Altheleにささやいた -
本当に緊急の事態だわ。許せない。この本はあなたではなく私が預かっておきます。Milky、大地を汚す Innoruukを決して許してはいけません。無理とは言いませんが、これから進む道は困難を極めるでしょう。でも誰かがこの事態に終止符を打たなくてはなりません。これを受け取ってください。これを読んで、書いてあることに従ってください。あなたに Tunareと Karanaのご加護を。」

■Earth Stained Note■
'We cannot speak again. Our circle is now known and must seek sanctuary. In case this note were to fall into others’ hands. I cannot tell you plainly the next steps of your task. All I can say is to seek she who walks the path of the mother, she who walks the lands in service to her kin. Give her this note and she will know'



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