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Pine Scout
Thorn Mail
Trueshot Chainmail
Rain Caller
Ivy Armor
Morin's Sword
Orc Impaler
Call of Flame
Plane of Sky
Epic Quest
Tracker's Helm
SoV Armors
Woodman's Armor
PoP Armors
LoY Spells

2. Ranger Epic Quest

6. Ella Foodcrafter in Misty Thicket

You say, 'hail Ella Foodcrafter'
Ella Foodcrafter says 'Hi, hi. I've got a lot to do, many mouths to feed, some filthy goblins to smack. If you don't need me for something, please let me go back to my work. Karana watch over you.

「やあ、こんにちは。私やることいっぱいあるの、おなか空かせてみんな待ってるし、コブリンもやっつけなくちゃ。何も用事なかったらお仕事戻っていいかしら? あなたに Karanaのご加護を。」

Earth Stained Note の内容と Ella の言葉から Ella Foodcrafter が探すべき女性のようです。彼女に Earth Stained Note を渡してみましょう。

[Shiny Tin Bowl] はコンテナなので、第一階層のスロットを空けておきましょう。

Ella Foodcrafter
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Earth Stained Note Shiny Tin Bowl

Ella Foodcrafter says 'Hmmm. I've been waiting for someone to bring me this. I'm sorry such a young one as you has taken up this task. Maybe the sky god blesses ya though. Aye, ya have that look in your eye. Our task is to focus the blessings of the gods and cleanse the filth from the land. I'll need two things from ya.


You say, 'what two things?'
Ella Foodcrafter says 'Well, ya ask before ya act. That's a good sign. What I need isn't easy to find. First, I need a mixture. Plain sounding enough but it's a special one. Cleanses the mind and focuses the earth's energies into a forest walker's mind. I don't know how to make it. I don't even know what it's called. I merely know it exists and we'll be needing it for our task. When ya do find how to make it ya can mix it in that bowl. Keep it when youre done, it's a good bowl.'
You say, 'what is the second task'
Ella Foodcrafter grins. 'Good, ya didn't run off without finding out what else ya need to do. Second, I need a special type of bowl. An ancient type of bowl, which strengthened the food placed inside it, once made by the elves of old. Again, I cannot tell ya how it is made for the making was lost to the ages. Seek this knowledge and these items out in the lands. Come to me when ya have found both.'

「行動する前にまず話を聞く、いい傾向ね。私が捜しているものは簡単には見つからないわよ。まず1つ目、それは mixtureなの。何のへんてつもないもののように思うかもしれないけど、それは特別なものよ。森の人々の心を浄化し、大地の力で満たす事ができるの。でも私はそれの作り方も知らないし、呼び名さえ知らない。ただ分かっているのは、この世に存在するという事、それが私達になくてはならないものということだけ。作り方が分かったら、その bowlにいれて混ぜてごらん。終わった後も大事な bowlだからちゃんと保管しておいてね。

「もう一つの必要なもの、忘れてなかったわね。2つ目、それは特別な bowlなの。古代の bowl、それはかつて昔の elf族によって作り出された、中に入れた食べ物に力を与えるというもの。もう一度言うけど、作り方は長い年月によって失われていて分からないの。これらの製法と材料を見つけ出して、2つの物が揃ったとき、また私の元へ戻っておいで。」

7. Creating a Hardened Mixture

Ella の話をもとに Forage で以下のものを集めて Hardened Mixture を作ることになります。

Creating a Hardened Mixture
ゾーン Forage アイテム
Everfrost Chilled Tundra Root
Greater Faydark Ripened Heartfruit
Innothule Swamp Speckled Molded Mushroom
Misty Thicket Sweetened Mudroot

上記のものが集まったら Shiny Tin Bowl で combine します。skill は特に必要ありません。

Shiny Tin Bowl
Combine アイテム 入手アイテム
Chilled Tundra Root
Ripened Heartfruit
Speckled Molded Mushroom
Sweetened Mudroot
Hardened Mixture

Hardened Mixture は次の Runecrested Bowl を作った後、Ella Foodcrafter にまとめて渡すことになりますので、しばらく取っておきます。またShiny Tin Bowlも最後でまた必要になりますので残しておきましょう。

8. Alrik Farsight in Timorous Deep

Ella の言っていた2つ目の special type of bowl を探すため Timorous Deep の Alrik Farsight に会いに行きます。また彼は KeepersOfTheArt の Faction が Amiably 以上ないと話をしてくれません。

Faction (indifferently 以下の場合) → KeepersOfTheArt の Faction をあげる方法

You say, 'hail Alrik Farsight'
Alrik Farsight says 'Ah. Hello there, adventurer. Come to search for ancient artifacts with Fizzlebik and myself?
You say, ‘I seek an ancient type of bowl made by the elves of old.
Alrik Farsight rummages thriugh his tattered bag and throws aside a towel. ‘To many towels. Oh well, someone told me they were good to have once. Here it is, a bowl pattern. Interesting bowl. Looks almost like a magical bowl but I’m np potter. You need it, you say? Well, it is interesting. Part of my research here is for the wizard guild in Felwithe. I’m sure they’d put a high price on this one, the enchanters guild being so interested in trading for magical paraphernalia and all. Of course if you helped me out on a chore I have, I’d be happy to give it to you. I need to deliver an artifact to the guild and I’d much rather stay here exploring. If you wish, you can take the artifact and return with the receipt and I will give you the pattern.
You say, ‘I will take the artifact.'
Alrik Farsight says ‘Hah! Okay then. Here take this to Farios Elianos in Felwithe. He will give you the Receipt.

Alrik Farsight
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
- Crushed Pot

9. Farios Elianos in Southern Felwithe

Alrik に言われた通り Southern Felwithe の Farios Elianos に Crushed Pot を渡しに行きます。Hail にも反応しないのでいきなり渡してしまって問題ありません。

「このショッピングリストを持っていって、私の食料品取りに行ってくれ。酒場の Nora に渡してくれれば何が必要か分かるよ。」

Farios Elianos
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Crushed Pot Grocery List

Farios Elianos says, ‘Why in the nine hells would I need a crushed pot? Perhaps I could use it to not hold water! Why did you even bother me with this? Are you mentally deficient? Apparently. Oh, well, you're just a servant boy. Well, then, we'll make you useful, if just a little. Take this shopping list and go get my groceries. Take it to Nora in the tavern. She'll know what I need.

10. Merchant Nora in Northern Felwithe

いきなり使いっ走りです。Northern Felwithe に戻り Merchant Nora に Grocery List を届けます。

「あなた Farios の使いっ走りっぽいわね。彼、これで喉詰まらせて窒息しないかしらねぇ。ああ、そうそう、まだ 5gold の借り残ってること彼に言っておいてね。」

Merchant Nora
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Grocery List Bag of Provisions

Merchant Nora says 'You hardly look like the type of errand runner Farios usually sends out to fetch his groceries but here they are. I hope he chokes on them. Oh, and tell him he still owes me five gold for his last order!

11. Farios Elianos in Southern Felwithe

Southern Felwithe に戻って Bag of Provisions を Farios Elianos に届けます。

Farios Elianos
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Bag of Provisions Receipt

Farios Elianos says 'Ah, good. Here's a few copper and a receipt for services rendered. Now be off, I'm sure citizens across the land are in dire need of broken pots at right this moment.

12. Alrik Farsight in Timorous Deep

再び Timorous Deep の Alrik Farsight に Receipt を届けに行きます。

Alrik Farsight
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Receipt Ancient Pattern

Alrik Farsight grins happily. 'Excellent! Was he pleased with the artifact? Oh, that's not even worth answering. I'm sure he was. He's always happy with the things I send him. That's why he honored me with this position of esteem, searching for useful and powerful items in this newly discovered land.'

■Ancient Pattern■


13. Merdan Fleetfoot in Surefall Glade

さて、Ancient Pattern にそって Bowl を作っていくのですが、虫食いがひどすぎてさっぱり分かりません。まずは Surefall Glade に向かい、手がかりを探します。そこで声をかけるといきなりある女の人のの名前を叫ぶ、恋に悩む一人の男 Merdan Fleetfoot がいます。彼のために一肌脱いで上げましょうか。


You say, 'hail Merdan Fleetfoot'
Merdan Fleetfoot says 'Yes Niera! Oh. Erm. Hi. I mean, uh. How are you?'
You say, 'Who is Niera?'
Merdan Fleetfoot blushes. 'She is, uh.. I don't know. I havent been able to speak with her. She has many suitors, and I'm just another poor ranger. I spend my days here pretending to fish, to carve bows, but really I'm just waiting to catch a glimpse of her. I thought about adventuring into the world to find some kind of token to give her, to show her how I feel, but I cant tear myself away from here.'

彼女へのプレゼントはやっぱ花に限る!Friona Vie で Forage で Rose of Firiona を入手して Merdan に渡します。


Merdan Fleetfoot
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Rose of Firiona Wood Painting

Merdan Fleetfoot blinks and looks at the flower. 'This is perfect. Thank you! I'm going to go over to her now. Erm, well, maybe I'll wait a week to let the uh.. beauty of the flower.. uhm.. blossom. Yes, that sounds good. Here, you take this painting. I don't need it now. I made it myself, she wouldn't like it anyways.'

14. Niera Farbreeze in Surefall Glade

池を挟んで Merdan の視線の先には、密かに想いを寄せる Niera Farbreeze の姿が。

Merdan も最後に言っていましたが、絵はあまり好きではないようなので Wood Painting を彼女に渡してはいけません。

Niera Farbreeze hums softly, a little tune that tickles the back of your mind but you can't quite recall.

You say, 'What tune is that.'
Niera Farbreeze says 'Ohh. Just a little song my mother taught me when I was young. It speaks of the earth, the sky, and the sparkling stars above, always there.'
You say, 'Why are they always there?'
Niera Farbreeze says 'Aye, always there. Like this small bag I wear around my neck. The last gift of my dying mother. It holds a fine dust, a dust she collected during her short life, that she believed brought her luck. It's speckled, lecked as the night sky is with stars.'
You say, 'Where did she find the speckled, flecked dust?'
Niera Farbreeze says 'I've had this little bit of dust, all I have of my mother, for many years now. It's the only reminder I have of her. She said it was special, magical, a warmth to help me through the nights. Even if my life were in the balance, I would have a hard time giving it up.'

15. Human Skeleton in Frontier Mountains

Merdan に貰った Wood Painting (Painting of Niera) を Frontier Mountains の human skeleton に渡してみます。

human skeleton
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Wood Painting Silver Chained Locket

a human skeleton begins to crack and disintegrate, its body collapsing into a pile of dust that scatters into the winds. On the ground you notice a locket on a fine, thin chain which you pick up.

16. Niera Farbreeze in Surefall Glade

Surefall Glade に戻り Niera Farbreeze に Silver Chained Locket を渡します。実は彼女の母の遺品のアミュレットなのです。

Niera Farbreeze
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Silver Chained Locket Platinum Speckled Powder

Niera Farbreeze says 'This, this is my mother's amulet. I cannot believe it. Please, take this powder you say you need. Perhaps it does have powers, I don't know, I don't care. Thank you, my eternal thanks for this.

これでAncient Patternにある1つ目のアイテム、Platinum Speckled Powderの部分が埋まります。
inum Speckled Powder....’Encha......lay.......’This


17. Kinlo Strongarm in North Kaladim

North Kaladim にいる Kinlo Strongarm に話を聞きます。


You say, 'What is mud?'
Kinlo Strongarm says 'Eh? Oh, the clay. Arrr. Lots o that mud round 'ere. Mostly, a good dwarf not be needin somethin so soft 'n squishy but the womenfolk, you know, the elves come lookin fer it. If ye be one o' those pansy elves wantin some mud fer workin into fairy statues, flashy trinkets, 'n pig sticker arrers then I can get it for ye. Course I'd be lowerin meself, a good dwarf, ta be diggin that kinda mush outta the ground, but I can do it fer ya.
You say, 'Can you do it for me?'
Kinlo Strongarm says 'Arrr. Shaddap. I ain't doin it til ya bring me somethin. A fee, I guess yed call it, fer lowerin meself ta elf woman work. Go get me a good strong axe and I'll do it fer ye. Mebbe somethin with a good tinted polish on it. I got plenty o' axes but no tinted ones. Har har! Colored axe. Somethin to go with the color left on the blade after I be crackin open a gobbo head.

ここで言う色つき斧とは City of Mist の 1F の black reaver が落とす Jade Reaver のことです。彼に Jade Reaver を渡してみます。

Kinlo Strongarm
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Jade Reaver Enchanted Clay

Kinlo Strongarm says 'Arrrrr. Ooooo. Arrrrrr... Yah, now that's what I be callin a good lookin axe. I be crackin a few skulls with this one. Oh, here's yer block o' mud. Our priests o' Brell use the mud pit fer relievin themselves after really hard ale blessin ceremonies, so ya ain't got ta be enchantin it in holy water or anythin cause they already have. Har har!

18. Creating a Runecrested Bowl

これで Ancient Pattern にある3つのアイテムが揃いました。

inum Speckled Powder....’Enchanted Clay.......’This
Ancient Pattern

これらを街にある Pottery Wheel を使って combine します。Pottery Skill は '0' でも失敗しません。

Pottery Wheel
Combineアイテム 入手アイテム
Ancient Pattern
Enchanted Clay
Platinum Speckled Powder
Runecrested Bowl

19. Ella Foodcrafter in Misty Thicket

Ella Foodcrafter が言っていた2つのアイテムが揃ったので、彼女に渡します。

Ella Foodcrafter
渡すアイテム 入手アイテム
Hardened Mixture
Runecrested Bowl
Softly Glowning Stone

Ella Foodcrafter smiles slowly as she works the mixture in the bowl and it starts to shine with power. 'This is... a piece of a lost magic item known as Nature's Gem. When restored to completeness I've heard its healing powers will be extraodrinary. Take it now.I will take the bowl and hopefully do some good from my end. From here, you can go many ways but I can't guide your path step by step. The only advise I can give you is to look for ones such as yourself.'


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